When you drew me on the back of the page Dear Zoe, Last night you gave me all the feels and I wanted to capture it so I don't ever forget. In the past 5 years of your life, I've taken a lot
What really matters in life Dear Zoe, It's Thanksgiving weekend and you're turning 3 in a few short months. It's been an incredibly trying holiday for us. On the flight over we received the horrible news that our
The food of childhood Coming to a strange new country and growing up as an immigrant wasn't always easy. In early grade school I brought a packed lunch my mom made me to school. The lunch was
Mom's birthday wishes for you Dear Zoe, Happy first birthday! This first trip around the sun with you has been an adventure. It's crazy and amazing how much progress you've made in only one year from a sleepy
The role model I'll be Dear Zoe, Today we celebrate your first 6 months of life. The expression "the days are long but the years are short" rings so true reflecting back on just how fast 6 months
10 Years Dear Zoe, Today marks the ten year wedding anniversary for your father and me. We're in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic so we celebrated at home. It's given me ample time to
How to learn life's most important skills Dear Zoe, These days your mom and I spend a lot of time thinking about all the important life skills we hope to teach you before we send you off to college. Everything
If you want love Dear Zoe, Your mom and I spent an incredible amount of time debating whether or not to have you. We discussed the pros and cons of having a child, we had in-depth conversations
Choose your dopamine hits wisely Dear Zoe, Finding happiness is one of life's most important pursuits. I want more than anything for you to find your own happiness in whatever way makes sense for you. I've spent quite
Building your village Dear Zoe, On Saturday, we celebrated the news of your upcoming arrival with a baby shower thrown by your Aunties Flo and Kathy. As I gazed around the room at all of our
Embrace your new reality Dear Zoe, One of the life lessons I hope to pass onto you is the importance of and ability to embrace your new reality. Throughout your life there will undoubtedly be moments where
Hello, World! Dear Zoe, I still vividly remember the very first moments after your mom told me she was pregnant. I was immediately inundated with a cacophony of emotions as I processed and internalized your